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lil pus filled pimple popped and now there's lots of bloody goo that the jewellery is sat against, have been cleaning any leakage with sea salt water, is this an infection? do I need to see someone or will it be okay to just keep cleaning it? : PiercingAdvice

lil pus filled pimple popped and now there's lots of bloody goo that the jewellery is sat against, have been cleaning any leakage with sea salt water, is this an infection? do I need to see someone or will it be okay to just keep cleaning it? : PiercingAdvice

lil pus filled pimple popped and now there's lots of bloody goo that the jewellery is sat against, have been cleaning any leakage with sea salt water, is this an infection? do I need to see someone or will it be okay to just keep cleaning it? : PiercingAdvice